For much more town historical information, please visit the historical room at the East Granby Public Library. Many old documents and photographs are archived in the collection. Call the library at (860) 653-3002 for an appointment.
What's here:
First town report, 1872
Official ballots for town elections, 1891
Letter to the General Assembly showing John Griffin’s signature
Early land grants at Turkey Hills, 1672–1723
Southeast section of Turkey Hills, 1750
Copper Hill section of East Granby, 1840
Composition of East Granby, 1858
Southwest section of East Granby, 1901
Center of East Granby
Viets Tavern
Old Newgate Prison
Clark House
Congregational Meethouse
Methodist-Episcopal Meetinghouse
Joseph Penney house
Leon Viets home, 81 North Main Street
Center Cemetery
Copper Hill Cemetery
Elmwood Cemetery
Holcomb Cemetery
Prisoners’ Cemetery
Smallpox Cemetery
Viets Cemetery
Center District Schoolhouse
Copper Hill Schoolhouse
Falls Schoolhouse
Hazelwood Schoolhouse
North Schoolhouse
South Schoolhouse
Notable town citizens
Higley copper coins
Railroad images
First town fire truck
Collecting milk
Engraving of Old Newgate Prison
Indian trails and villages
Wilcox General Store
A Newgate Prisoner’s poem
Book: The Barns of East Granby