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For a definitive study on the history of East Granby, please refer to the book, East Granby the Evolution of a Connecticut Town, by Mary Jane Springman and Betty Finnell Guinan, available at the East Granby Library.
From the settling of Simsbury to the separation of Granby, 1633–1785

1633: Windsor founded thirteen years after landing of Pilgrims at Plymouth.

c. 1645: Tar works established  on the Farmington River in present North Bloomfield by John Griffin and Michael Humphrey.

c. 1664: John Griffin and family settled west of the Mountain on land within the present East Granby.

1670: Simsbury incorporated.

16751676: King Philip's War.

c. 1705: Copper discovered at Copper Hill.

1707: First settlement east of the Mountain in Turkey Hills.

c. 1725: First steel made in the English colonies produced by Samuel Higley.

1735: First copper coins made in the English colonies produced by Samuel Higley.

1736: Turkey Hills Ecclesiastical society established.

1738: First Congregational meetinghouse erected.

1773: Newgate Prison established.

1775-1783: Revolutionary War.


From the incorporation of Granby to the separation of East Granby, 1786–1858

1786: Granby Incorporated.

1794: Reverend Whitfield Cowles ordained Congregational minister at Turkey Hills.

c. 1800: First cigars made in Connecticut.

1800: Granby Turnpike chartered.

1816 :Copper Hill Methodist -  Episcopal Church established.

1820: East Granby Post Office established.

1822: Farmington Canal chartered.

1827:Newgate Prison closed.

1830: Phoenix Mining Company chartered.

1830: Present Congregational meetinghouse erected.

1839: Present Methodist - Episcopal meetinghouse erected.

1843: German silver flatware silver-plated at Spoonville.

1850: Canal Railroad opened to Granby. 


The East Granby Years, 1858–

1858: East Granby incorporated.

1861–1865: Civil War.

1882: East Granby Creamery opened.

1899: Hydroelectric plant on the Farmington River began operation.

c. 1900: First shade grown tobacco raised.

c. 1900: Roads first paved.

1902: Branch of Central New England Railway opened through East Granby Center.

1904: First telephones installed.

c. 1908: First automobile purchased by East Granby resident.

c. 1910: First electric lights installed.

1914-1918: World War I.

1922: East Granby Library Association organized.

1929: Stock market crash presages Great Depression.

1930: East Granby Volunteer Fire Department founded.

1939–1945: World War II.

1951: Housing boom in East Granby started.

1968: Newgate  Prison returned to state control. 




The mission of the East Granby Historical Society shall be the preservation and promotion of East Granby heritage. 


East Granby Historical Society

PO Box 188, East Granby, CT  06026




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